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Free Checklist
Start Your Podcast + Launch with Impact
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You're Going To Discover...
Your Podcast Vision, Audience, and Format

You can’t think your way in clarity, in fact, clarity comes from engagement. This checklist poses prompting questions and tactical strategies to help you get clear on your podcast vision and start taking action on the vision. Knowing what your show is about, and who its for is the first step toward confidently stepping up to the mic.
The Key Ingredients to Publish Your Show
This checklist provides you with a list of action items and key steps to prepare your show for launch. You will be able to put your show out there without worrying about whether you forgot something, set up a key component of the show wrong, or fell flat on your vision. You’ll be able to rest easy knowing you did everything right and have time left in your day to enjoy your launch!
The Formula to Launch a Successful Podcast
Building a show is one thing, putting it out into the world is another. This checklist offers clear actions to help you launch with impact and feel confident sharing your show with the world. A launch is a celebration, and items on this checklist are here to remind you of the support you already have, and the impact your show will make on the world.
Copyright 2022 Wise Whisper LLC
6100 Glades Road, Suite 205 Boca Raton, FL 33434